Monday, November 17, 2008

Here' s my first attempt a posting a video. Hope it works! Its a video of the 72g with the cories schooling/following the danios. :)

Rams & Pygmy Cories!

Bubbles hasn't been feeling well for over a week. She has been acting half-dead. She's barely active and spends a lot of time upside down. Well, I moved her from her upside down position to the middle of the tank before feeding time. I threw down a cube of snail jello near her, and when I came back, this is what I saw. In case its hard to see, she is managing to hold up the entire cube of snail jello.

Above are two of my newest babies....two Bolivian Rams. I'm pretty sure they have paired up as they never leave each others sight. It's quite adorable. They are both very peaceful fish, and they are very curious about humans. When I am sitting there, they like to slowly come up the glass and watch me as I watch them.

Here are more of the new occupants....the cat pack. A school of 10 pygmy cories. I had a very hard time getting a decent picture of them! They move so fast. They are probably the cutest thing in my tank. I expected them to be, the whole tank is their turf. They spend just as much time in the upper areas as they do down below. They LOVE playing with the danios. They school with them often. They also are the only thing in the tank that chases the danios. Up until now, the danios have been the rulers of the tank kingdom (specifically Gertrude, my chubby alpha female). Well, the cat pack has shaken things up!!!! They have put the danios in their place- despite being only a 1/3 the size of a danio....lmao. It's crazy to watch!

Sorry, I don't have any new full tank shots. The tank looks about the same (scroll down). The plants are filling in on either side, and I have to trim them weekly (which is encouraging them to branch nicely) .

The next thing I am working on is getting the 10g setup so it can become a QT for when I am setting up the 20g.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Update on 72g tank!

Here are a variety of pictures from my 72g.

They go in a somewhat chronological fashion.

I made some changes here and there and took pictures sporadically throughout.

So, the ones closest to the end are the way the tank looks now.

I added 3 new larger pieces of driftwood.

I have also moved around some plants.

Picture is fuzzy but that is a platy!

Some plants have been growing really well, others....not so well. The hornwort seems to grow drastically overnight, and it's so pretty, it's my new favorite plant!

I added some grass down in the sandy area.

It will take awhile for everything to fill in as this is a low-light, low fert., no CO2 tank.

I think we have arrived at the pictures that show pretty much what the tank looks like right now.

I added 4 new Zebra Danios, from my LFS. I wanted to increase the school to prevent aggression on new fish, so I settled for some more zebras. There is still room for the school to grow, though, if I do find some longfins.

My snails love the new driftwood. It's like a snail jungle gym.

Current Tank Inhabitants:
- 7 Zebra Danios
- 1 Longfin Danio (she schools w. the zebras, in fact, Ethel is clearly the #2 in command of the school, just after Gertrude, the alpha female)
- 3 Mystery Snails: Bubbles- the Ivory Snail, a copper-stripped one, and a blue one
- 6 Endlers; 3 boys, 3 girls
- 3 Platies

Blue snail.

The next addition to the tank will be a school of Panda Cories.

I purchased some frozen Daphnia on friday. The fish all love me now.

I love this little cave.

In the back you see a male Endler. They are my new obsession now (thanks Mary!). I have another colony living in my 20g. More on them later!

So, what does everyone think so far? I think the scape is basically done. Just need for some plants to grow in, and to stock (which will take awhile)!